We are everywhere. We are men you see everyday. We are presidents and kings, doctors and lawyers, financiers, bartenders, gardeners and mechanics -- we come from all walks of life, all nations. We are men who seek something more. We believe in God and the immortality of the soul. We are active in our houses of worship, in our communities, in charitable endeavors, and we always seek to improve. We are elite, but not elitist ... and you may be one of us.
Although the precise origins of Freemasonry are lost to time, the Craft emerged into public view in 1717 with the formation of the premier Grand Lodge in England, arriving in its colonies not long after. While our Lodge's own beginnings are traceable to 1870, it was constituted in 1874 under the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York under our first Master, Jacob P. Solomon. We meet on the first Thursday of every month, excluding July and August, in the Colonial Room of New York's Masonic Hall. Master Masons in good standing from grand jurisdictions in amity with ours are welcome to visit. Prospects are welcome to our public events.
Please contact us for details.